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Author's Posts

  • Unbiased Research on Race Becoming Taboo in Academia

    Unbiased Research on Race Becoming Taboo in Academia0

    It is now dangerous for an academic to conduct or even discuss research that shows an absence of racial bias in the criminal justice system. An Asian-American college official was forced to resign his position after discussing such research, as The College Fix reports in the article, “Scholar forced to resign over study that found

  • Police Encounters and Race

    Police Encounters and Race0

    “Son, you are going to jail,” the policeman told the terrified young man he had just stopped on a Virginia highway during a snowstorm. He put the young man, who was scared speechless, in the back seat of the police car, and accused the young man of damaging a guard rail on Route 29 with

  • Don’t Release Prison Inmates Due to COVID-19

    Don’t Release Prison Inmates Due to COVID-190

    Criminals are being released from jail due to the coronavirus pandemic, especially in progressive states. But states should think twice about letting criminals out, because it won’t save lives. Instead, it will spread the disease far and wide, and increase the crime rate, including murders and rapes. Supporters of releasing criminals say it will protect them from catching

  • WHO Reverses Course, Endorses Masks to Fight COVID-19

    WHO Reverses Course, Endorses Masks to Fight COVID-190

    The World Health Organization now supports the public wearing of masks to prevent the spread of coronavirus. That’s a reversal of its earlier position, reports the South China Morning Post: The World Health Organisation says it supports government initiatives that require or encourage the public wearing of masks, marking a major shift from previous advice amid