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Author's Posts

  • John Money, David Reimer, and the Dark Origins of the Transgender Movement

    John Money, David Reimer, and the Dark Origins of the Transgender Movement2

    The other day I asked my colleagues if they had ever heard of John Money. “No,” they replied, “who is he?” They’re not the only clueless ones. I’ll wager that most millennials don’t know the man who invented the terms “gender identity,” “sexual orientation,” and “gender role.” Unfortunately, the story behind those terms is a

  • Piers Morgan and Transgender Guest: 100 Genders Is Too Many

    Piers Morgan and Transgender Guest: 100 Genders Is Too Many0

    Should Piers Morgan be fired for his view on gender? The BBC recently endorsed an apparatus to support more than two gender identities. Piers Morgan highlighted this decision in an interview with gay journalist Benjamin Butterworth during which the former expressed frustration with the conversation, saying: “I feel insulted and offended that you’re calling me

  • Obama and Kanye on Woke Culture: ‘Get Over That Fast’

    Obama and Kanye on Woke Culture: ‘Get Over That Fast’0

    Recently, President Obama made some choice comments about woke culture. You know, that’s not activism. That’s not bringing about change. If all you’re doing is casting stones, you’re probably not going to get that far.  President Obama, like Dave Chapelle before him, appears to be jumping on the “woke culture” critique bandwagon, and his remarks are

  • What the Death of ISIS Means for Us

    What the Death of ISIS Means for Us0

    On October 26th, Abu Bakhr Al-Baghdadi, leader of ISIS was killed. President Trump later reported that Al-Baghdadi’s successor has also been “terminated.” President Trump gave a press address Sunday morning confirming Al-Baghdadi’s death, and his killing himself and three of his children. Strangely, the Washington Post decided to change its headline from “Islamic State’s ‘terrorist-in-chief’ dies” to


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