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Author's Posts

  • Beware of Marxist Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

    Beware of Marxist Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing0

    One of Jesus Christ’s most well-known sayings comes from the Gospel of Matthew: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves.” Sadly, that warning became highly relevant last Sunday, when Fr. Kenneth Boller, pastor of the Church of St. Francis Xavier in New York City, asked that

  • Why (Most) Right-Wing Intellectuals Hate Trump

    Why (Most) Right-Wing Intellectuals Hate Trump0

    More than two years into President Trump’s historic presidency, it behooves us to think more deeply about a persistent sticking point in the political life of the nation: Why do (most) right-wing intellectuals loathe him? This kind of nearly unified opposition cries out for explanation.   After all, it is not simply that all left-wing


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