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Author's Posts

  • Why Liberal Chesterton Shunned the Progressive Label

    Why Liberal Chesterton Shunned the Progressive Label0

    We are all bundles of contradictions to some extent. Some bundles are bigger than others. And some contradictions are more contradictory than others. Until his mid-thirties, self-described reactionary G. K. Chesterton generally supported the Liberal party of England. Does that make him a bundle of contradictions? And if so, how big and how contradictory? Let’s

  • Chesterton On Why You Should Be A Reactionary

    Chesterton On Why You Should Be A Reactionary0

    News flash!  G. K. Chesterton was not a progressive.  There really should be no surprise here.  But he also was not a conservative.  At least he didn’t think of himself as such.  There might be a bit of a surprise here.  After all, he held many views that could readily be characterized as conservative.  His

  • What’s the Best Way to Deal with a ‘Political Animal’?

    What’s the Best Way to Deal with a ‘Political Animal’?0

    G. K. Chesterton was that rarest of political animals. He was a fellow of firm views and well decided certainties. But he was also someone who always treated those of differing views and certainties with fairness and kindness. (We could use many more of his type these days, couldn’t we?) How did Chesterton manage to

  • Can Patriotism and Nationalism Co-exist?

    Can Patriotism and Nationalism Co-exist?0

    Patriotism or nationalism? Elite wisdom tells us that one is not the other. More than that, such wisdom wants us to believe that one is good and the other is bad. But is that so? Can a patriot be a nationalist and vice versa? If not, why not? Really now, is there a meaningful difference


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