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Author's Posts

  • Obama’s Going to Get Paid

    Obama’s Going to Get Paid0

    Today President Barack Obama will leave the White House after two terms in office. In spite of the toll that the stress of being the POTUS takes on one—their hair usually turns gray while in office—I’m sure there will be some sadness on Obama’s part. But that sadness may soon diminish, because the fact is,

  • Would Bradley Manning’s Sentence Have Been Commuted?

    Would Bradley Manning’s Sentence Have Been Commuted?0

    President Obama defied the advice of his secretary of defense on Tuesday, opting to commute the 35-year prison sentence of Chelsea Manning, the former U.S. Army soldier. Manning, once known as Bradley Manning, was convicted on 20 charges in 2013 after stealing hundreds of thousands of government files and selling them to WikiLeaks. One person

  • Could This Assassination Be the Beginning of World War 3?

    Could This Assassination Be the Beginning of World War 3?0

    Today’s assassination of Andrey Karlov, Russia’s ambassador to Turkey, is already drawing some ominous comparisons.   Karlov was gunned down on Monday evening in Turkey’s capital of Ankara as he delivered a speech at an art exhibit. In the video of the attack, the shooter, off-duty police officer Mevlüt Mert Altintas, 22, could be heard

  • The Story Behind Charles Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’

    The Story Behind Charles Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’0

    Charles Dickens was mad. He was angry at his father, who was sent to debtors’ prison, forcing young Charles to pawn his belongings, drop out of school and work in a shoe-polish factory. He was also angered by the conditions in which England’s poorest children lived and worked. He was going to publish a political