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Author's Posts

  • Zooey Deschanel Knows Nothing About Food Science

    Zooey Deschanel Knows Nothing About Food Science0

    • January 3, 2018

    Hollywood actors and actresses play many roles on-screen, but apparently some of them believe they are Jacks-of-all-trades in the real world as well. They believe they can be UN Ambassadors, immunologists, and also food scientists. But just as you shouldn’t go to Angelina Jolie for advice about international diplomacy or to Jenny McCarthy for information

  • School Kids Don’t Need ‘Wiggle Chairs.’ They Need a Real Recess.

    School Kids Don’t Need ‘Wiggle Chairs.’ They Need a Real Recess.0

    It isn’t easy being a kid these days: the school day has changed a great deal since the current generation of grade school kids’ parents were in school. With a greater emphasis on school work and testing, something in the school day had to disappear to make way for the focus on more academic pursuits

  • The Problem with the Moana Costume Isn’t Cultural Appropriation

    The Problem with the Moana Costume Isn’t Cultural Appropriation0

    In an utterly unsurprising development, social justice warriors are now not only dictating to American adults what they can wear on Halloween, but children as well. Social convention was once to abstain from culturally insensitive garb like “black face,” but thanks to politically correct scolds, the social expectation of what is acceptable and what is

  • Millennials Now Need ‘Coaching Rooms’ to Learn How to Parent

    Millennials Now Need ‘Coaching Rooms’ to Learn How to Parent0

    Earlier this evening while chatting with my newlywed neighbors, I tried to put them at ease about parenthood. I told them: It’s not hard, just difficult. When born on time and healthy, babies generally just need food, clean clothes and diapers, and sleep. It takes a while for new parents to get into the groove