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    Anthony Esolen

    Chronicles contributing editor Anthony Esolen has published 24 books, including Out of the Ashes: Rebuilding American Culture, an English translation of Dante’s Divine Comedy, and most recently a book of poetry, The Hundredfold: Song of the Lord.

Author's Posts

  • Resisting the Totalitarian Power of Politicization

    Resisting the Totalitarian Power of Politicization0

    “People who live in the post-totalitarian system,” wrote Vaclav Havel in The Power of the Powerless, “know only too well that the question of whether one or several political parties are in power, and how these parties define and label themselves, is of far less importance than the question of whether or not it is possible

  • The Rule of Our Sophisticated Suckers

    The Rule of Our Sophisticated Suckers0

    “There’s a sucker born every minute,” said P. T. Barnum, expressing, without intending it, the soul of modernist movements in the arts. Donald Trump recently outraged what has been called, without any sense of irony or hyperbole, “the architectural community,” with a directive preferring the federal style for new public buildings in Washington, D.C. That

  • The Battle Between Something and Nothing

    The Battle Between Something and Nothing0

    I’m no prognosticator, but in any conflict between Something and Nothing, my money is on Something, every time. I have recently read of one of the wiser uses of money squeezed from American taxpayers. A feminist professor was sent to Afghanistan to reveal to the natives the glories of battling the patriarchy, or something. I

  • America Needs the ‘Rough-and-Ready Democracy of Boy Life’

    America Needs the ‘Rough-and-Ready Democracy of Boy Life’0

    I often file things that I read in my growing collection of 100-year-old magazines – in bound volumes, six months apiece, 1,000 large pages in small font – under the category, “Different World.” Such is an article from The Century Magazine, January 1900, called “Fellow-Feeling as a Political Factor.” Its author knew a lot about political warfare, having long fought the


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