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Author's Posts

  • Social Psychology Suggests ‘March for Our Lives’ Is Unlikely to Change Anything. Here’s Why.

    Social Psychology Suggests ‘March for Our Lives’ Is Unlikely to Change Anything. Here’s Why.0

    Like many recent political movements, March for Our Lives was marked with grandstanding, emotional appeals and the moral outrage that have come to define modern political protests. The mainstream media promises, however, that “this time, it’s different,” and this march for gun control (let’s be honest about its intentions) will change America and eventually end

  • The Ideology Behind “So What You’re Saying Is…”

    The Ideology Behind “So What You’re Saying Is…”0

    • February 2, 2018

    My social media feed these past few days has contained several references to the recent interview between Canadian psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson and BBC journalist Cathy Newman. Throughout the interview, as Dr. Peterson gave his views on topics like feminism and LGBT rights, Ms. Newman routinely interrupted him with the meme-worthy phrase, “So what you’re


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