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  • China Reverses Course on Population Planning

    China Reverses Course on Population Planning0

    The 20th century was full of attempts to centrally plan population. Scientists like Paul Ehrlich and businessmen like Hugh Moore spent their lives putting direct pressure on politicians and citizens into addressing the looming specter of “overpopulation.” Population doomer language was often dramatic and often included predictions of mass death within just decades. The predictions never got anywhere close

  • Bigotry at Work: Christians, Persecution, and the ‘Good News’

    Bigotry at Work: Christians, Persecution, and the ‘Good News’3

    In her January 2023 article “The Ten Worst Countries to Live in as a Christian,” Kelly Valencia directs readers’ attention to a dismal list from Open Doors, a global organization dedicated to providing support for persecuted Christians. North Korea, where apprehended Christians are either executed or imprisoned for life, heads up this list of death

  • Canada, Where Euthanasia Is Cheaper Than Health Care

    Canada, Where Euthanasia Is Cheaper Than Health Care1

    I recently wrote about Canada’s euthanasia regime, which is set to expand in March 2024 when people with no more than a mental illness or a drug addiction will be given access to assisted suicide. Tragically, since bans on the practice were lifted in 2016, over 30,000 Canadians have been euthanized—a number that is sure


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