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  • Mr. Jones and the Soviet Lie

    Mr. Jones and the Soviet Lie1

    The socialist experiment in Russia during the twentieth century was more than a failed attempt at central planning. The Soviet experience was a lie — a crumbling façade — that required routine maintenance by a vast empire of politicians, journalists, and academics (especially economists) who believed that the New Nation was one step closer to utopia.

  • The Musical Heroism of Guido d’Arezzo

    The Musical Heroism of Guido d’Arezzo1

    Of all living things, only humans seem to have the drive and capacity for documentation, record-keeping, and writing for the purposes of porting information and wisdom to others with the hope of influencing and binding the future. We’ve done this since the beginning of recorded history, from cave dwellings to the Code of Hammurabi through

  • Henry Ford’s Pro-Family Initiative That Rocked the World

    Henry Ford’s Pro-Family Initiative That Rocked the World2

    One hundred and ten years ago this week, a Motor City magnate put his money where his mouth was. On 5 January 1914, Ford Motor Company doubled the wages of employees to $5.00 per day, incentivising assembly-line work. It was Henry Ford’s idea. The Detroit Journal’s headline “Henry Ford Gives Ten Million in 1914 Profits to His

  • Cancel Culture Canceled in London: The Failed Smear Against Horatio Nelson

    Cancel Culture Canceled in London: The Failed Smear Against Horatio Nelson1

    If you’ve ever visited London, you most likely noticed Nelson’s Column, the majestic monument to Britain’s greatest naval hero. It resides in Trafalgar Square, a short walk from Parliament. If you’ve never visited London, you probably know of it anyway, because both the man and the monument are famous the world over. You might even have heard

  • Why Ordinary People Enable Totalitarians

    Why Ordinary People Enable Totalitarians4

    Cicero said history “casts light on reality and is a guide to life.” The wisdom gained by understanding the past helps prevent the same errors from being repeated. Sebastian Haffner pursued answers to the questions of how the Nazis rose to power in Germany and why the German people did not stop them. In 1939, he wrote

  • George Washington’s Thanksgiving Message: What A Different Era

    George Washington’s Thanksgiving Message: What A Different Era8

    Thanksgiving is a quintessential American holiday. It is a holiday that in many ways requires some sense of the supernatural – whether we care to acknowledge it or not. Below you will find our first President’s proclamation of Thanksgiving in which his sense of the hand of Providence upon the American Republic is quite clear. Indeed,


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