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  • Is School Choice a Trojan Horse?

    Is School Choice a Trojan Horse?3

    School choice: It’s a term that has been making the rounds in the cultural discourse, particularly since the school closures in 2020. On the surface, giving parents and students more opportunity sounds good, but have we truly considered all of its potential consequences? What Is School Choice? Most generally, school choice “allows public education funds

  • I Was a Girl Scout. Here’s Why My Daughters Won’t Be One.

    I Was a Girl Scout. Here’s Why My Daughters Won’t Be One.7

    It was summertime at Camp Cedarledge, and I was in Totem Village, Ahwenasa unit. The cabins were spacious and airy, with four beds each and room for our suitcases under each bed. Most days were spent marching around the acreage to attend swimming practice, arts and crafts, tying knots, first aid training, group games, and

  • Happier, More Connected Neighborhoods Start Right in the Front Yard

    Happier, More Connected Neighborhoods Start Right in the Front Yard1

    A salve for America’s loneliness epidemic could exist right in front of its homes. Front yards are a staple of many American neighborhoods. Lush plantings, porches or trinkets can capture the attention of passersby and spark conversation. Other lawns say “stay away,” whether it’s through imposing fences or foreboding signs. But to what extent do

  • Beware the Architects of Illusion

    Beware the Architects of Illusion1

    “In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.” So goes the old saying. In Intellectual Takeout contributor Walker Larson’s fantasy novel Hologram, however, Aaron Castillian becomes a king of sorts precisely because he is blind, at least in a particular way. After his people’s enemy, the Voturans, devastate Aaron’s hometown and kill

  • WE Are the Reason Kids Are on Screens

    WE Are the Reason Kids Are on Screens0

    A rant. Sorry. But this culture is driving me nuts! It is BLIND to the idea that kids CAN and in recent history HAVE done some things, on their own, no parents involved, and this was GOOD. Even HEALTHY. But one “screen-time specialist” just emailed me with this “helpful” tip on how to get kids

  • Friday Comic: Cardinals0

    Credit: OwenComics (store) Twitter: @owenbroadcast Instagram: @owenbroadcast Save this article to favorites