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Author's Posts

  • Philosophy is Lost in the Dark

    Philosophy is Lost in the Dark0

    “It’s all in Plato, all in Plato: bless me, what do they teach them at these schools!” C.S. Lewis’ character Professor Digory Kirke calls to light an increasingly detrimental error concerning education in the modern era. The Great Western Tradition and the permanent ideas about education that flow out of it are grounded in a

  • Born That Way? The Evolution of Humanity, Sex, & Gender

    Born That Way? The Evolution of Humanity, Sex, & Gender0

    Nothing is so senseless that some person will not profess it. To cling to the greatest absurdities, indeed, has customarily been reserved for those with higher degrees in education. But today, the common man can believe in the most ridiculous things too, for he has been convinced of his great knowledge by the self-esteem lessons he has been

  • Are You a Bad Teacher?

    Are You a Bad Teacher?0

    • January 20, 2015

    It is a shocking reality that the vast majority of “teachers” have no idea what it means to be an “educated” human being. If this is true, and indeed it is demonstrable, then it should not be a surprise to learn that most Americans have no idea what it means to be a good teacher.


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