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Author's Posts

  • ‘Cancel Culture’ Comes Knocking at Planned Parenthood’s Door

    ‘Cancel Culture’ Comes Knocking at Planned Parenthood’s Door0

    Margaret Sanger (1879-1966) was the founder of Planned Parenthood, the largest provider of abortion services in the U.S. and the political flagship of the pro-choice movement there. She was also a fervent eugenicist – and in the era of Black Lives Matter progressives have eugenics in the cross-hairs. Sanger’s views on “racial hygiene” are beyond

  • ‘Cancel Culture’ Claims Hagia Sophia

    ‘Cancel Culture’ Claims Hagia Sophia0

    The latest outbreak of “cancel culture” overshadows debates over President Trump’s Twitter feed and defacing statues of Confederate generals. Turkey’s President Erdogan has turned the biggest tourist attraction in Turkey from a museum into a mosque. This is not just any museum; nor will it be just any mosque. It began in 537 as the

  • A Lesson in Human Dignity From Stone Age Ireland

    A Lesson in Human Dignity From Stone Age Ireland0

    Five thousand, two hundred years ago, long before Stonehenge, long before the Pyramids, farming communities in the Boyne Valley of Ireland built a gigantic passage tomb, called Newgrange. It covers 4,500 square meters, or more than one acre, of ground. The builders heaped alternating layers of stone and earth until it was 12 meters high.

  • Former Police Officer Speaks Up About Black-on-Black Crime

    Former Police Officer Speaks Up About Black-on-Black Crime0

    Chicago recently experienced the most violent weekend in its history: 85 people were wounded by gunfire and 25 people were murdered on Memorial Day weekend between 7 pm on Friday, May 29, and 5 am, Monday, June 1. “We’ve never seen anything like it at all,” said Max Kapustin, of the University of Chicago’s Crime


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