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Author's Posts

  • The 27-Year-Old Infant

    The 27-Year-Old Infant0

    I’ve been watching The Mandalorian lately. It’s not my favorite Western and I am not a Star Wars fanboy, but I admit that it is entertaining. The best character is Baby Yoda, an infant of an alien species with big ears, which, I am told, has no name. The interesting factoid, for the purposes of

  • NYT’s Groupthink Will Remain Unshaken Post-Election

    NYT’s Groupthink Will Remain Unshaken Post-Election0

    What will change tomorrow? Who can say? Will we wake up to the smile of a victorious Joe Biden (likely)? A chastened and contrite Donald Trump (unlikely)? A messy and disputed election (O, please, God, no!)? What will not change is the groupthink at America’s leading newspaper, The New York Times. Let’s wind the clock

  • Car Seats as Contraceptives

    Car Seats as Contraceptives0

    Seat belts save lives. Child safety seats save lives. These statements seem blindingly obvious. But everything has a cost. Two American economists recently studied the social effects of mandating child safety seats from 1973. They concluded, counterintuitively, that the conventional wisdom is both right and wrong. They estimate that these popular laws prevented only 57

  • What Kind of School Will Help Your Kids To Be Happily Married?

    What Kind of School Will Help Your Kids To Be Happily Married?0

    The debate over the merits of private schools versus public schools tends to revolve around their relative success in boosting test scores, graduation rates, and college admissions. Which are more successful in giving children the skills they need to thrive in today’s economy? Utilitarian questions like these frame most contemporary discussions of the value of


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