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North Carolina State University Professor (Emeritus) Mike Walden is known for explaining complex issues in ways understandable to the general reader. That is unusual among scholars. Three “economic thrillers” written by Professor Walden and his wife M.E. Whitman Walden, Micro Mayhem (2006), Macro Mayhem (2006) and Fiscal Fiasco (2014), show how they do it. Professor Walden just posted a short, down-to-earth
READ MOREOne hundred and ten years ago this week, a Motor City magnate put his money where his mouth was. On 5 January 1914, Ford Motor Company doubled the wages of employees to $5.00 per day, incentivising assembly-line work. It was Henry Ford’s idea. The Detroit Journal’s headline “Henry Ford Gives Ten Million in 1914 Profits to His
READ MOREOriginal thinkers are hard to come by. If you doubt that, visit a diploma mill. You’ll see right off that credentials don’t confer character, creativity or common sense. Academic hubris conflates knowledge with wisdom. Such folks are a dime a dozen. Sui generis Then there is Colin Brazier: sui generis, in a class by himself. Original
READ MOREThe Population Reference Bureau (PRB) has some of the best demography number crunchers anywhere. With superb research and analysis capability, not much in the field escapes their attention. Earlier this year the US Bureau of the Census released new statistics extrapolated from the 2020 Census. What took them so long? Supposedly, the delay was pandemic-related.