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  • Kurt Mahlburg
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    Kurt Mahlburg

    Kurt Mahlburg is an emerging Australian voice on culture and the Christian faith. He has a passion for both the philosophical and the personal, drawing on his background as a graduate architect, a primary school teacher, a missionary, and a young adults pastor. Since 2018, Kurt has been the Research and Features Editor at the Canberra Declaration. He is also a freelance writer and a regular contributor at Mercator, the Spectator Australia, Caldron Pool, and Intellectual Takeout. He is married to Angie, who hails from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Message from Kurt: “Intellectual Takeout depends on donors like you to continue bring my work to the public. If you value the preservation of Western values like faith, freedom, family, and life, please make a donation today.”

Author's Posts

  • Our Modern Existential Dilemma Dissolved With Francis Schaeffer

    Our Modern Existential Dilemma Dissolved With Francis Schaeffer4

    The angst felt by philosophers, the meaninglessness faced by even the greatest modern artists and musicians, and the rampant drug use and trail of despair and nihilism writ large in Western culture since the 1960s are some of the more obvious signs of the crisis faced by modern people. But the cause of this crisis—the

  • Whom Are We Fighting For?

    Whom Are We Fighting For?4

    The great English philosopher and poet G.K. Chesterton said: “A real soldier does not fight because he has something that he hates in front of him. He fights because he has something that he loves behind his back.” War is an analogy that has fallen out of favor in the West. This helps explain why


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