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  • Kimberly Ells
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    Kimberly Ells

    Kimberly Ells is the author of The Invincible Family. Follow her at Invincible Family Substack.

Author's Posts

  • Is There a Worldwide ‘Childcare Crisis’?

    Is There a Worldwide ‘Childcare Crisis’?2

    Reports of a “childcare crisis” are bubbling up across America and across the globe. In Texas, Minnesota, Utah, Virginia, Nevada, Florida, Oregon, Arizona, North Dakota, California, Maine, and just about every other state you can think of, “childcare crisis” headlines are trending. The same is true in the UK, France, Germany, Australia, Japan, and elsewhere. So, are there simultaneous childcare

  • This Is Not Fake News: US Surgeon General Warns That Parenting Is a Health Hazard

    This Is Not Fake News: US Surgeon General Warns That Parenting Is a Health Hazard2

    The US Surgeon General, Dr Vivek Murthy, just issued an official advisory warning against the stressful nature of parenting and labelling it “an urgent public health issue.” The document says Surgeon General Advisories “require the nation’s immediate awareness and action.” So, according to the Surgeon General, what exactly is the urgent issue and what immediate actions should be

  • When Your School Puts God in a Closet and Shuts the Door

    When Your School Puts God in a Closet and Shuts the Door1

    I recently stumbled across Harvard’s mission statement issued in the year 1642: “Everyone shall consider as the main end of his life and studies, to know God and Jesus Christ, which is eternal life.” This, of course, is based on a scripture from the gospel of John: “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only

  • Your Children Are More Important Than Your Dreams

    Your Children Are More Important Than Your Dreams2

    The phenomenon known as Ballerina Farm on Instagram is one of the most popular moms in America. With her eight children, a gaggle of hogs, endless Instagram videos of baking from scratch, and her 10 million followers, Hannah Neeleman is a mom to be reckoned with. Oh, and she also wins beauty pageants like a boss. And


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