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Author's Posts

  • What Do ‘Good Schools’ Look Like? It Depends on What Parents Want

    What Do ‘Good Schools’ Look Like? It Depends on What Parents Want0

    I often hear people in the education world, especially those who are more rooted in traditional schooling models, express concern about the “quality” and “outcomes” of the innovative schools and spaces now emerging. “How do we know these are ‘good’ schools with high academic achievement and strong outcomes for students?” they’ll ask. My response is always some

  • Why Is There A Dyslexia Epidemic?

    Why Is There A Dyslexia Epidemic?2

    The earliest documented cases of dyslexia, or a language processing disorder that makes it difficult to read, date back more than a century. For decades, it was considered a relatively rare occurrence, but today it is estimated that up to 20 percent of the US population is dyslexic. What is going on? Advances in childhood diagnosis and

  • If Your Kids Aren’t Happy at School, Find Them Another One

    If Your Kids Aren’t Happy at School, Find Them Another One1

    “I hated going to school when I was a kid,” said Elon Musk in a 2015 interview. “It was torture.”  When deciding how his own children would be educated, Musk rejected traditional schooling and created his own project-based microschool, Ad Astra, in 2014, on his SpaceX campus. “The kids really love going to school,” said

  • As Education Decentralizes, Those Who Like Control Are Nervous

    As Education Decentralizes, Those Who Like Control Are Nervous5

    As more parents gain the opportunity to abandon a compulsory schooling assignment for other options, including homeschooling and microschooling, it’s no surprise that those who favor top-down control of education feel anxious about this bottom-up education transformation. This nervousness is occurring on both ends of the political spectrum.  On the political left, The Washington Post


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