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  • Karl Streitel
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    Karl Streitel

    Karl Streitel is a freelance editor and writer and former English and finance teacher. He writes about voluntaryism, politics, and education at MentalLab.substack.com. He is the host of the podcast Learning Liberty, promoting alternatives to government schools.

Author's Posts

  • Mute Buttons: Two Ways the School Complex Muzzles Parents and Students

    Mute Buttons: Two Ways the School Complex Muzzles Parents and Students0

    I was asked the other day why parents and students do not have more say in their education in the government system, and my reply was simply “because that is the goal.” Specifically, the system exists to perpetuate itself and to propagandize large numbers of children each year so that they believe and pass on to their

  • DISRESPECT: Public Schools Got It

    DISRESPECT: Public Schools Got It1

    Some of us may remember the Helen Lovejoy character in The Simpsons, who would appear any time some catastrophe befell the town and plaintively wail, “Won’t someone please think of the children?!” The joke here, of course, is that as long as you do something in the name of helping children, it must be right, and you