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Author's Posts

  • Is ‘More Diversity’ Really the Answer to Racial Problems?

    Is ‘More Diversity’ Really the Answer to Racial Problems?0

    With all of the racial tension lately, is diversity really the answer to our racial problems? This seems to be the solution that the San Francisco Police Department favors at a time when it is under scrutiny for racist text messages among its officers. As Paul Elias reports for the Associated Press, “San Francisco’s police

  • Why Don’t People Change Their Minds? It’s All About Survival

    Why Don’t People Change Their Minds? It’s All About Survival0

    If the current political campaigns have revealed anything about Americans, it is that they loathe changing their minds. Although a few people may vote for a different political party this year, because the two frontrunners struggle with likeability, most Americans will hold fast to their personal values and beliefs—at least on the big issues, such


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