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Author's Posts

  • Why So Much Science is Wrong, False, Puffed, or Misleading

    Why So Much Science is Wrong, False, Puffed, or Misleading0

    In a year where scientists seemed to have gotten everything wrong, a book attempting to explain why is bizarrely relevant. Of course, science was in deep trouble long before the pandemic began and Stuart Ritchie’s excellent Science Fictions: How Fraud, Bias, Negligence, and Hype Undermine the Search for Truth had been long in the making.

  • What Greta Thunberg Forgets About Climate Change

    What Greta Thunberg Forgets About Climate Change0

    In August 2018, Greta Thunberg first began skipping school to protest outside the Swedish parliament. Almost two years later, her fame is global; everybody knows her name, climate activist or climate change denier, politician, or janitor. The relentless rise to international fame for this teenager – becoming Time Magazine’s Person of the Year in 2019

  • The Environmentalist’s Dream Came True With COVID

    The Environmentalist’s Dream Came True With COVID0

    Have you recently heard anything about the major existential threat to our lives? I don’t mean the exaggerated virality of the virus currently wreaking havoc with our globalized societies, but the endlessly dangerous impact of climate change? Of rising sea levels and volatile weather leading to crop failures and mass starvation and collapse of precious