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Devin Foley
Devin Foley is the co-founder of Intellectual Takeout and former CEO of Charlemagne Institute.
The spanking debate, in case you have not heard, is over. Or is it? Contrary to Psychology Today’s pronouncement, arguments over the effectiveness are far from over. Child professionals line up either on either side of the debate, armed with an arsenal of research supporting their own view. One of the more recent studies, conducted
READ MOREA few years ago, I took a summer job working at a local school’s childcare program. I was placed with a group of students grades four through eight. I had a great experience, but I will admit it was not easy. Some of the children had me positively pulling out my hair. I’m not alone
READ MOREAccording to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) only 12% of high school seniors are proficient in U.S. History. If that number isn’t bad enough, 55% of seniors lack just a basic understanding of U.S. History and only 1% are considered advanced in their knowledge of U.S. History. Yes, it’s that bad. We wish we could snap our fingers and fix
READ MOREI spent the past weekend relaxing with old friends. While it was a busy weekend, we had plenty of time to catch up. Over the course of the weekend, we discovered how much we have changed in just a few years. We live very different lives and hold very different—I would even say opposing—views on