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  • Devin Foley
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    Devin Foley

    Devin Foley is the co-founder of Intellectual Takeout and former CEO of Charlemagne Institute.

Author's Posts

  • Free Student Seminar: America’s Founding Principles

    Free Student Seminar: America’s Founding Principles0

    According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) only 12% of high school seniors are proficient in U.S. History. If that number isn’t bad enough, 55% of seniors lack just a basic understanding of U.S. History and only 1% are considered advanced in their knowledge of U.S. History. Yes, it’s that bad. We wish we could snap our fingers and fix

  • 3 Things You Need to be Friends with People You Disagree With

    3 Things You Need to be Friends with People You Disagree With0

    I spent the past weekend relaxing with old friends. While it was a busy weekend, we had plenty of time to catch up. Over the course of the weekend, we discovered how much we have changed in just a few years. We live very different lives and hold very different—I would even say opposing—views on