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Devin Foley
Devin Foley is the co-founder of Intellectual Takeout and former CEO of Charlemagne Institute.
Discourse, especially in schools, is miserable these days. As Randall Smith, the Scanlan Professor of Theology at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, argues, there are only three options when it comes to uncomfortable topics, “Non-judgmentalism, furious indignation, or ironic detachment.” How he describes his experiences teaching at the college level goes a long way
READ MOREUnlike any other point in the prior four decades, the push to reform the education system through school choice has serious political support and is likely to be passed in many states in the coming years. Over time, education reformers have met with success in showing how the education system, despite sucking up ever more
READ MOREDay by day, year by year, what once was unthinkable has now become celebrated, and even protected by law. Meanwhile, what was once virtuous or admired is seen as hateful and backwards. The older you are, the more you see it. In the recent past, America and Europe were grounded in a Christian ethos, one
READ MORECharlemagne CEO Devin Foley offers news and insights on the suppression of Intellectual Takeout by Facebook in the days surrounding the 2020 election. Save this article to favorites