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Author's Posts

  • No Room for the Yang Gang?

    No Room for the Yang Gang?0

    On August 8th Democratic outsider nominee Andrew Yang became the ninth candidate who qualifies for the next round of presidential debates. This may come as a surprise since the mainstream media has devoted its energies to focusing on Biden, Warren, Sanders, and Harris. This fact, coupled with the presidential debate held in late July, underscores

  • Breaking Old Habits: Millennials Make the Nun Run

    Breaking Old Habits: Millennials Make the Nun Run0

    I was taken aback at the headlining article on ESPN this weekend. It wasn’t about kneeling football players. Instead, one might say it was about a kneeling basketball player: Shelly Pennefather. Pennefather, a former All-American player for Villanova, turned down a professional basketball career to join the cloistered convent of the Poor Clares. ESPN captured

  • Lyme, Not Lime: How to Help Those Wrestling With the Bizarre Disease

    Lyme, Not Lime: How to Help Those Wrestling With the Bizarre Disease0

    “L-Y-M-E” not “L-I-M-E” an exasperated college friend explained to a group of us in his dorm room. “It’s carried by ticks, and apparently a tick bite I had years ago transmitted it to me.” If you’re like myself or anyone else in the room that day, then you probably would’ve been just as confused as

  • Is a Hot Dog a Sandwich?

    Is a Hot Dog a Sandwich?0

    Walking back from a logic course in college, a friend asked me if I had heard of the “Is a Hot Dog a Sandwich?” debate raging on reddit. “No,” I told him, “what a silly thing for people to waste their time on.” Curiosity got the best of me, however, and I checked out the


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