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The Ten Points of Tolkien's Politics
- Politics, Literature
- September 18, 2024
It’s not news that Social Justice Warriors and the Political Correctness Police have overrun modern college campuses. Heck, some colleges are essentially being held hostage by these forces, to the point where professors aren’t even sure it’s safe to be on campus at all. It’s hard to reconcile this news with the vision of college
READ MOREWhen our parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents voluntarily immigrated to the United States, they brought with them not only a desire to embrace a new homeland, but also a desire to become culturally “American.” This didn’t mean rejecting their cultural identity; it meant making room in it for new influences, which is why they often identified
READ MOREHollywood romanticizes revolutionaries, seeing them as noble, rugged individuals with towering passion and idealism who fight and risk their lives to make the world a better place. Sometimes that view is deserved. But more often than not, given Hollywood’s left-leaning partisanship, it elevates brutal dictators to the status of misunderstood heroes. Thus it’s no surprise that
READ MOREHeading to college can be quite a shock; it’s challenging to transition from the comforts and privacy of home to the sheer human density of the college dormitory experience. For most everyone, it’s the least privacy they’ll experience in their entire lives; dozens of eighteen- and nineteen-year-old men and women jammed into cinderblock buildings on