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Author's Posts

  • Bloomberg News Buried Stories Critical of China

    Bloomberg News Buried Stories Critical of China0

    Bloomberg News silenced reporters and killed an investigation six years ago into the wealth of Communist Party elites in China because they were afraid of the Chinese government. In their quest to appease Chinese party officials, Bloomberg forced reporters to sign non-disclosure agreements or face financial devastation – and even bullied and attempted to muzzle

  • Media Skewers ‘Sexist’ Sanders for Refusing to Bend the Knee

    Media Skewers ‘Sexist’ Sanders for Refusing to Bend the Knee0

    The media cannot forgive Bernie Sanders for refusing to “bend the knee” to Elizabeth Warren regarding her recounting of a now infamous December 2018 meeting between the two, in which the Vermont senator allegedly said a woman could not be elected president. Furthermore, if you don’t agree with Sen. Warren’s version of events, or if you mention

  • The Five Most Hyperbolic Impeachment Moments

    The Five Most Hyperbolic Impeachment Moments0

    The House impeachment debate and subsequent vote in favor of ousting President Trump Wednesday were historic, Congress wants you to know. Wednesday is of such monumental import,  we will all talk about this in the years to come to our children and our grandchildren. We will know where we were the day Congress voted to impeach Donald

  • Five Infuriating Takeaways From the ‘Afghanistan Papers’

    Five Infuriating Takeaways From the ‘Afghanistan Papers’0

    After an extensive investigation and a three-year long Freedom of Information Act legal battle, The Washington Post released a trove of documents entitled the Afghanistan Papers Monday, and there’s a staggering amount of infuriating information contained therein. The trove comes from a project entitled “Lessons Learned” commissioned by the Office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR.) As


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