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Author's Posts

  • 6 Brilliant Authors Who Died Penniless

    6 Brilliant Authors Who Died Penniless0

    The many authors we hail today as cultural and literary geniuses are often assumed to have been recognized as such during their lifetimes, living successful – at least financially successful – lives. However, that assumption is often not the case. The five authors below were not as popular during their lives as they are now

  • The Dumbest Laws in Each of the 50 States

    The Dumbest Laws in Each of the 50 States0

    In recent weeks, we’ve seen 5-year-olds fined for selling lemonade, pet sitters ticketed for watching cats without a permit, teens handcuffed for selling bottles of water to thirsty people, and efforts to criminalize screen time for kids. It got us thinking: how many silly, outrageous, and/or superfluous laws are there out there? Here are 50 laws that will make

  • 8 Facts to Know about the Stone Which Broke the Code of History

    8 Facts to Know about the Stone Which Broke the Code of History0

    Discovered on July 19 in 1799 by the French, the Rosetta Stone proved to be one of the most important historical discoveries in the history of, well… history. As the most popular artifact in the British Museum, it sees most of the Museum’s 6.8 million visitors each year. Below are eight facts about the now

  • Pornography Facts: 20 that will shock you

    Pornography Facts: 20 that will shock you1

    1. A 2014 study by the Max Planck Institute found that men who frequently view pornography have decreased brain cells, specifically in the right caudate of the brain, making their brains smaller on average than those of men who do not view pornography. 2. According to the Huffington Post, 30 percent of the material streamed


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