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Author's Posts

  • Nancy Pelosi and the 25th Amendment

    Nancy Pelosi and the 25th Amendment0

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants to get rid of Donald Trump. She apparently does not have faith in the voters. Instead, she is proposing legislation to create a commission under the 25th Amendment so Congress can remove the Trump from office. She claims that since his coronavirus treatment, Trump is in an altered state of

  • Breonna Taylor Riots and More Irresponsible Rhetoric

    Breonna Taylor Riots and More Irresponsible Rhetoric0

    Two police officers have been shot in Louisville as mobs ransacked local businesses. The mob did not get the murder charge they wanted and now are taking things into their own hands. Unfortunately, even organizations such as the NAACP are continuing to allege that Taylor was murdered by the police. They will not accept a

  • Kansas City Fans Were Right to Boo at Chiefs’ Opening Game

    Kansas City Fans Were Right to Boo at Chiefs’ Opening Game0

    The media in its “reporting” of NFL fans’ reaction to wokeness on the football field lets us know what “good people” should think. Just take a look at a few headlines: From NBC News: K.C. Chiefs fans’ booing moment of unity for ‘ongoing fight for equality’ mars NFL home opener The Kansas City Star: After shameful boos

  • Could the Civil War Have Been Avoided?

    Could the Civil War Have Been Avoided?0

    Donald Trump is taking heat from the media on his ramblings about whether a leader such as Andrew Jackson could have crafted a compromise to avoid the 620,000 deaths in the Civil War. The general view seems to be that Trump is crazy for questioning the inevitability and justness of the slaughter. Of course, everyone knows that had


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