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Author's Posts

  • Costs Must Be Weighed Against Benefits

    Costs Must Be Weighed Against Benefits0

    One of the first lessons in an economics class is every action has a cost. That is in stark contrast to lessons in the political arena where politicians virtually ignore cost and talk about benefits and free stuff. If we look only at the benefits of an action, policy or program, then we will do

  • Discrimination and Prejudice

    Discrimination and Prejudice0

    Some of the confusion in thinking about matters of race stems from the ambiguity in the terms that we use. I am going to take a stab at suggesting operational definitions for a couple terms in our discussion of race. Good analytical thinking requires that we do not confuse one behavioral phenomenon with another. Let’s

  • Virginia’s Would-Be Gun Grabbers Likely to Face Blowback

    Virginia’s Would-Be Gun Grabbers Likely to Face Blowback0

    Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam apologized for his medical school blackface stunt, but he will have much more to apologize for if he signs into law a bill that attacks Virginia residents’ Second Amendment rights. The measure is Senate Bill 16, which would ban “assault” firearms and certain firearm magazines. Since Democrats have seized control of

  • How Wokeness Is Turning Back the Clock

    How Wokeness Is Turning Back the Clock0

    If you need an accurate update on some of the madness at the nation’s institutions of higher learning, check out Minding the Campus, a nonprofit independent organization.  John Leo, its editor-in-chief, says that the organization’s prime mission is dedicated to the revival of intellectual pluralism and the best traditions of liberal education at America’s colleges