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Author's Posts

  • Character, Not Control, Is the Antidote to Evil

    Character, Not Control, Is the Antidote to Evil0

    Humans are dangerous creatures capable of great evil. This inescapable truth bombards us every time we turn on the news. The weight of this knowledge bears down on every human soul, and with every tragedy, we are starkly reminded of it. We cry out for someone to save us from our inherent capacity for evil.

  • Power and Predation

    Power and Predation0

    Over the past week, much of our nation’s political discourse has centered around allegations of rape and sexual misconduct. First, Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore was accused of pursuing sexual relationships with young teenagers. Then Democratic Senator Al Franken was accused of sexual misconduct when he was a comedian. Now, members of the mainstream media

  • Free Speech is More Important than Bruised Feelings

    Free Speech is More Important than Bruised Feelings0

    The first time I felt threatened by someone else’s free speech, I was a freshman in college. My college was plagued by a young man who would stand outside the library and use the word of God to belittle and harass students, especially young women. Once every few months, this man would show up to