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Author's Posts

  • The Supreme Court Has Destroyed the Principle of the “Consent of the Governed”

    The Supreme Court Has Destroyed the Principle of the “Consent of the Governed”0

      As Americans celebrated the 242nd anniversary of their secession from Great Britain, references to the Declaration of Independence ratified on July 4, 1776 were many. But while the left reminded us “all men are created equal” and the right reminded us that all inalienable rights come from our Creator, far too little attention was

  • Newsflash: Teachers Are Already Armed

    Newsflash: Teachers Are Already Armed0

    In the wake of yet another mass shooting in a public school, a host of familiar recommendations have resurfaced about how to “prevent this from ever happening again.” Predictably, both conservatives and liberals are looking to the government for a solution. Americans have somehow arrived at a point where they cannot conceive of human action

  • Why Republicans Are Virtually Identical to Democrats on Spending

    Why Republicans Are Virtually Identical to Democrats on Spending0

    Republicans during the Reagan and Bush administrations had a pretty straightforward fiscal policy: increase federal spending dramatically and cut marginal income tax rates modestly, predicting the resulting economic growth would eventually balance the budget. Both administrations increased spending roughly 80-100 percent, depending upon where you draw the start and end lines, given the government’s fiscal

  • Move Over Obama, Trump Has a Pen, a Phone… and a Tweet

    Move Over Obama, Trump Has a Pen, a Phone… and a Tweet0

    President Trump spent the weekend embroiled in yet another Twitter skirmish, this time with retiring Republican Senator Bob Corker. Trump may even have suffered a rare defeat on his own turf, based on Corker’s hilarious rejoinder about someone missing their daycare shift at the White House. If Trump has a soul, even he laughed at


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