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    Patrick J. Buchanan

    Patrick J. Buchanan is the author of Nixon's White House Wars: The Battles That Made and Broke a President and Divided America Forever

Author's Posts

  • Who Won the Taiwan War Games?

    Who Won the Taiwan War Games?0

    When House Speaker Nancy Pelosi defied White House signals that she not stop in Taiwan on her valedictory tour of Asian capitals, she ignited the worst diplomatic U.S.-China row in decades. And how did last week’s collision turn out for the United States? Writes The New York Times: Speaker Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan began with

  • Is Taiwan’s Independence Worth War?

    Is Taiwan’s Independence Worth War?4

    When a man knows he is about to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully, said Dr. Samuel Johnson. If there is any benefit to be realized from the collision between China and the U.S. over Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s proposed trip to Taiwan, it is this: America needs to reflect long and

  • China: Pelosi Trip to Taiwan a Provocation

    China: Pelosi Trip to Taiwan a Provocation0

    When Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi added to the itinerary of a valedictory trip through Asia the island of Taiwan, she could not have been oblivious to the reaction she would produce in a stunned Beijing. Thus, when the Financial Times revealed that the speaker would be visiting Taiwan, which China regards as a

  • New York Times to Biden—Time to Go!

    New York Times to Biden—Time to Go!0

    When President Joe Biden retired in Rehoboth Beach on Saturday night, he likely did not expect to find a severed horse’s head under his bed covers. But there it was, courtesy of The New York Times. “At 79, Biden is Testing the Boundaries of Age and the Presidency” ran the headline over Sunday’s devastating front-page


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