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Author's Posts

  • Proper Matches, Romantic Elopements, & True Love in Jane Austen’s Novels

    Proper Matches, Romantic Elopements, & True Love in Jane Austen’s Novels0

    Readers of Jane Austen’s novels recognize the plot that informs every story, the business of marriage that determines the future happiness of each eligible woman. Whom will Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice, Emma Woodhouse in Emma, Anne Elliot in Persuasion, Fanny Price in Mansfield Park, and Elinor and Marianne Dashwood in Sense and Sensibility

  • Does the Old-Fashioned Art of Visiting Need Reviving?

    Does the Old-Fashioned Art of Visiting Need Reviving?0

    In the novels of Louisa May Alcott, a time prior to the invention of the telephone, and even into the middle of the twentieth century with telephones in most homes, neighbors and families practiced the art of visiting. Sundays and holidays were especially the times that encouraged this sociable aspect of ordinary life. These visits

  • The Art of Beautification: The Graces of Ordinary Life

    The Art of Beautification: The Graces of Ordinary Life0

    The beautification of life, the highest “household art” of making people happy and places pretty, also encompasses the adornment of the soul. Because life is more than work, economics, and money, the life of the heart and spirit need constant replenishment… What do decorating a room, wearing tasteful clothes, expressing cheerfulness, offering friendship, enjoying Mayday,


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