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Author's Posts

  • Anger is Temporary Madness: The Stoics Knew How to Curb it

    Anger is Temporary Madness: The Stoics Knew How to Curb it0

    People get angry for all sorts of reasons, from the trivial ones (someone cut me off on the highway) to the really serious ones (people keep dying in Syria and nobody is doing anything about it). But, mostly, anger arises for trivial reasons. That’s why the American Psychological Association has a section of its website

  • The Key to Happiness: Focus on what’s within your control

    The Key to Happiness: Focus on what’s within your control0

    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,Courage to change the things I can,And wisdom to know the difference. This is the Serenity Prayer, originally written by the American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr around 1934, and commonly used by Alcoholics Anonymous and similar organisations. It is not just a key step toward


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