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Building for the Future: Wendell Berry’s Poem 'A Vision'
- Culture, Featured, Literature
- September 13, 2024
Nov. 18 will mark 40 years since nearly 1,000 Americans—a majority of them African American—perished in a mass suicide/murder in the Jonestown compound in the jungles of Guyana. Many misconceptions surround this horror, but a new account dispels some common myths. Cult leader Jim Jones is often portrayed as having been a normal fundamentalist Christian
READ MORECalifornia governor Jerry Brown wants to impose the state’s first-ever tax on drinking water, tacked onto monthly bills, and accompanied by “fees” on fertilizer and dairy farmers. For embattled Californians, this new tax will come as no surprise. Forty years ago in 1978, property taxes were on the rise and the People’s Initiative to Limit