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Author's Posts

  • Christmas Shopping for a Happier New Year

    Christmas Shopping for a Happier New Year1

    Oscar Wilde defined a cynic as one who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. If this is so, many of us are more cynical than we realize because we don’t know the difference between price and value. We buy the cheapest because this is our duty as good consumers. We need

  • Shakespeare’s Sisters

    Shakespeare’s Sisters0

    It’s almost a century since Virginia Woolf wrote “Shakespeare’s Sister” in which she presented the plight of an imaginary sister of Shakespeare who is thwarted because of her sex from emulating her brother’s literary success. Frustrated by the lack of literary opportunity and finding herself pregnant, she does the only sensible thing that a woman

  • Summer Reading for G.K. Chesterton

    Summer Reading for G.K. Chesterton0

    This is the time of year when people are asked to compile their summer reading lists. The idea of these lists, as far as I can see, is to suggest books that are relaxing, not taxing; slim volumes, not monumental tomes; lighter fare that can be read recreationally, for pure pleasure, perhaps on the beach

  • Christmas Shopping for a Happier New Year

    Christmas Shopping for a Happier New Year0

    Oscar Wilde defined a cynic as one who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. If this is so, many of us are more cynical than we realize because we don’t know the difference between price and value. We buy the cheapest because this is our duty as good consumers. We need


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