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Author's Posts

  • Grassroots Efforts Can Keep the Second Amendment Standing Firm

    Grassroots Efforts Can Keep the Second Amendment Standing Firm0

    Assuming too much in politics can lead to disappointing results and gut-wrenching betrayals. Nowhere is this more clear than with the Second Amendment. Many inexperienced activists who get involved in Second Amendment causes and other wedge issues—from abortion to immigration—learn this the hard way when they automatically assume Republicans are on their side. This assumption

  • Decentralization Is Gaining Popularity During COVID-19

    Decentralization Is Gaining Popularity During COVID-190

    In the increasingly polarized America, Black Swan moments like the COVID-19 pandemic have further confirmed growing divides in the country. Our textbooks would like us to believe that emergencies create fertile grounds for unity. But when you have a populace that is politically dividing itself even when it comes to the TV shows it watches,

  • Gun Control: We’re Avoiding It During COVID-19 So Far

    Gun Control: We’re Avoiding It During COVID-19 So Far0

    If history has taught us anything, it’s that a crisis is the lifeblood of state growth. The coronavirus saga offers a treasure trove of power grabs that elected officials are seeking to ram through while Americans must make significant readjustments in their daily lives due to state-imposed shutdowns around the nation. Some of the attempts

  • Greater Idaho Movement Shows Americans’ Shift Toward Decentralization

    Greater Idaho Movement Shows Americans’ Shift Toward Decentralization0

    Recently disgruntled residents of rural counties in southwest Oregon have been organizing a petition to move Idaho’s border westward to form a “Greater Idaho” that could also potentially include parts of Northern California. This petition mirrors a recent proposal in Virginia in which rural countries in the state would separate and join West Virginia in protest of Virginia’s latest push for gun


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