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Author's Posts

  • Four Reasons Why College Degrees Are Becoming Useless

    Four Reasons Why College Degrees Are Becoming Useless0

    Students are running out of reasons to pursue higher education. Here are four trends documented in recent articles: 1. Graduates have little to no improvement in critical thinking skills The Wall Street Journal reported on the troubling results of the College Learning Assessment Plus test (CLA+), administered in over 200 colleges across the US. According to the

  • Neil Ty, The Scientism Guy

    Neil Ty, The Scientism Guy0

    Neil deGrasse Tyson has released a new video aimed at a what he sees as a growing anti-intellectualism problem in the United States. It was released at the same time as the March for Science and many Earth Day demonstrations. He reflects on what he thinks made America great and what’s stalling progress today. Science used to be respected,

  • Busting the ‘Free College’ Myth

    Busting the ‘Free College’ Myth0

    A new program just passed by New York’s state government promises “free tuition” for middle-class students to attend a public college or university in the state. While there are similar programs elsewhere in the US, this is the first to include four-year schools. All of the headlines include some variation of the term free college, which makes

  • Six Graphs that Reveal Big Problems for Student and Auto Loans0

    The New York Fed’s most recent household debt report showed ballooning debt and delinquency in student and auto loans. Total household debt has just about reached its previous late-2008 high of over $12.5 trillion.


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