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Hannah Cox
Hannah Cox is a libertarian-conservative writer and activist. She's the Content Manager and Brand Ambassador for the Foundation for Economic Education, and the host of the podcast Based.
As we’ve seen time and time again throughout history, when individual rights are undermined, the group is inevitably hurt as well.
READ MORE“My first wish is to see this plague of mankind banished from the earth.” George Washington wrote that about war in a letter in 1785, and unfortunately, 200 plus years later, we have yet to see this wish (that so many have fervently joined him in) come to pass. War is a gruesome, banal, horrific
READ MOREMost of us wouldn’t list 2020 as our best year. But you know who would? Amazon, Wal-Mart, Google, Apple, and a whole host of other big corporations who’ve seen their sales and stock prices soar amidst the pandemic. Small businesses have been pummeled by excessive and insane governmental lockdowns of the economy. Experts warn that one third