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Author's Posts

  • Plato Can Help You Find Love

    Plato Can Help You Find Love0

    Not only did early humans have both sets of sexual organs, Aristophanes reports, but they were outfitted with two faces, four hands, and four legs. These monstrosities were very fast—moving by way of cartwheels –– and they were also quite powerful. So powerful, in fact, that the gods were nervous for their dominion. Wanting to

  • Philosopher: Chance is Baked into the Cake of Democracy

    Philosopher: Chance is Baked into the Cake of Democracy0

    The Trump victory, and the general disaster for Democrats this year, was the victory of ignorance, critics moan. Writing in Foreign Policy, Georgetown’s Jason Brennan called it “the dance of the dunces” and wrote that “Trump owes his victory to the uninformed.” New York Times columnist Neil Irwin noted the unprecedented list of inexperts and


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