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Author's Posts

  • What Saint Augustine Would Have Thought of Joel Osteen

    What Saint Augustine Would Have Thought of Joel Osteen0

    “This guy is the best thing that has ever happened to Twitter,” ran a text I recently sent to friends. The occasion? A tweet from “St. AugOsteen.” Taking quotes from famed Prosperity Gospel preacher Joel Osteen and mixing them with those of St. Augustine of Hippo, St. AugOsteen creates some pretty fantastic statements. For the

  • Leaving the Peach State Won’t Be so Peachy for Netflix

    Leaving the Peach State Won’t Be so Peachy for Netflix0

    Several major studios are considering abandoning Georgia as a film production location in light of Georgia’s recent heartbeat bill. If implemented, the bill would ban the destruction of the life of an unborn child once a heartbeat is detectable.   Netflix has come out as the strongest voice against the bill, their chief content officer

  • Three Public Speaking Tips From a Little Schoolhouse on the Prairie

    Three Public Speaking Tips From a Little Schoolhouse on the Prairie0

    If you’ve ever found yourself in the dreaded position of giving a school presentation, chances are you’ve heard this clichéd advice: “Just picture everyone in their underwear.” Giving a class speech is something many students push through, red-faced and dry-mouthed, with the knowledge that it will be over in a few minutes. In recent years,

  • How Would Dostoevsky Have Responded to the Smartphone?

    How Would Dostoevsky Have Responded to the Smartphone?0

    “I don’t know how to make friends without my phone,” a teenager told me last summer when I found myself enforcing a policy banning screens at a student seminar I was helping with. I was a little surprised by this line of reasoning, but I’ve encountered it more than a few times since from teens


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