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Author's Posts

  • A Nordic Paradox: Higher Gender Equality, More Partner Violence

    A Nordic Paradox: Higher Gender Equality, More Partner Violence0

    Which countries lead the world in gender equality? If you don’t know the answer to that you must. have been living in North Korea. Everyone else knows that it’s the Nordics: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. On average across these countries, three out of every four working-age women are in employment; gaps between the

  • A Transit of Common Sense

    A Transit of Common Sense0

    Against the noonday sun of transgender affirmation in Britain a dark object was seen to pass this week. It was a question mark, or rather, several marks in close succession. Two psychotherapists, a re-transitioned woman and a member of parliament cast doubt on what, in a few short years, has become standard practice among health

  • Is Gender Equality a Self-defeating Goal?

    Is Gender Equality a Self-defeating Goal?0

    One of the great obsessions of politics and economics today is “gender equality”. This is the doctrine that men and women should be equally represented in public office and in currently male dominated professions, enjoy equal average earnings and do an equal amount of domestic work. Obviously, we are not there yet, but countless academics are beavering

  • How a Man Landed on a List of Top Female Executives

    How a Man Landed on a List of Top Female Executives1

    A man has been named as one of the top 100 women in business by the UK’s Financial Times and HERoes Champions of Women in Business list. Pips Bunce, who comes in at number 32, is Director / head of global markets core engineering strategic programs for Credit Suisse. No, Pips is not a trans woman, and


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