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Author's Posts

  • After ‘I Messed Up So Bad,’ Pregnancy Resource Center Made All the Difference

    After ‘I Messed Up So Bad,’ Pregnancy Resource Center Made All the Difference0

    I had just returned from the national March for Life in Washington, D.C., when I looked down at the positive pregnancy test in my hand, my boyfriend at my side. Time stopped as I felt my heart thump faster and faster—loudly—and despair and panic set in. “I messed up so bad,” I cried as my knees buckled under

  • A Wellesley Student Speaks Out

    A Wellesley Student Speaks Out7

    I was appalled, but not surprised, when on Saturday, September 24, the Dean of Students at Wellesley College, where I am a student, buried at the end of an email to the student body that all students at Wellesley would be required to receive a shot of the new bivalent Covid-19 booster. Then on October

  • Here’s How Wrong Past Environmental Predictions Have Been

    Here’s How Wrong Past Environmental Predictions Have Been0

    Each year, Earth Day is accompanied by predictions of doom. Let’s take a look at past predictions to determine just how much confidence we can have in today’s environmentalists’ predictions. In 1970, when Earth Day was conceived, the late George Wald, a Nobel laureate biology professor at Harvard University, predicted, “Civilization will end within 15

  • What Star Wars can teach us about constitutional democracy

    What Star Wars can teach us about constitutional democracy0

    Cass Sunstein is one of America’s leading legal scholars. Both his work generally and his book about Star Wars specifically have attracted enormous attention from both academics and the general public. But one theme of his new book, The World According to Star Wars, highlights an area that is often neglected: the depiction of constitutional issues


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