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Author's Posts

  • Robots Ready to Scoop Ice Cream Jobs

    Robots Ready to Scoop Ice Cream Jobs0

    California isn’t nicknamed Commiefornia for nothing. Decades of limited housing, water use restrictions, overzealous environmental regulations, and now a rapidly increasing minimum wage make it difficult for entrepreneurs. But despite it all, businesses are adapting, shifting investments away from personnel and toward automation. Robots, at an increasing pace, are serving customers, as fast-food joints and grocery stores adapt to

  • How the Government Ruined US Healthcare — and What Can Be Done

    How the Government Ruined US Healthcare — and What Can Be Done0

    Government’s meddling in the healthcare business has been disastrous from the get-go. Since 1910, when Republican William Taft gave in to the American Medical Association’s lobbying efforts, most administrations have passed new healthcare regulations. With each new law or set of new regulations, restrictions on the healthcare market went further, until at some point in


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