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Author's Posts

  • Love Your Grammar, But Don’t Be Obnoxious

    Love Your Grammar, But Don’t Be Obnoxious0

    This week, the financial press reported the downfall of a high-profile grammar pedant, Professor Paul Romer, the World Bank’s chief economist, who was hoist(ed) with his own pedantic petard. He is being replaced as head of the bank’s research arm after he demanded that his colleagues write succinct, clear, direct emails, presentations and reports in

  • Grammarians rejoice in the $10 million comma

    Grammarians rejoice in the $10 million comma0

    Portland-based company Oakhurst Dairy will potentially owe $10 million to 75 milk-truck drivers in the US state of Maine because of a missing comma in a legal clause. Last week, Judge David J. Barron upheld an appeal in a class-action lawsuit, opening his opinion with: “For want of a comma, we have this case.” Three


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