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Author's Posts

  • Statism’s First Casualty Is the Truthful Use of Language

    Statism’s First Casualty Is the Truthful Use of Language0

    Senator Hiram Johnson is credited with having said during World War I, “The first casualty, when war comes, is truth,” and this observation has been made in more or less the same words many times, both before and since Johnson made his statement. No doubt the declaration is true, but it is true in a

  • ‘The Personal Is Political’ is Making Politics More Toxic

    ‘The Personal Is Political’ is Making Politics More Toxic0

    “The personal is political” is a slogan that has been around for a long time, used especially though not exclusively by gender feminists. In practice it has served as an exhortation that people make ideology the sole dimension of their personal identity, that they set aside all other bases on which to evaluate their relations


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