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Author's Posts

  • Civility in Politics Is Harder Than You Think

    Civility in Politics Is Harder Than You Think0

    When House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tore up the text of President Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech in full public view, her supporters saw defiance of both his policies and his earlier refusal to shake her hand. But her political opponents cried foul, calling it “unbecoming” and “nasty.” This is yet another example of

  • Different Parties, Different Planets

    Different Parties, Different Planets0

    When people try to explain why the United States is so politically polarized now, they frequently refer to the concept of “echo chambers.” That’s the idea that people on social media interact only with like-minded people, reinforcing each other’s beliefs. When people don’t encounter competing ideas, the argument goes, they become less willing to cooperate

  • Political Polarization Is About Feelings, Not Facts

    Political Polarization Is About Feelings, Not Facts0

    Politicians and pundits from all quarters often lament democracy’s polarized condition. Similarly, citizens frustrated with polarized politics also demand greater flexibility from the other side. Decrying polarization has become a way of impugning adversaries. Meanwhile, the political deadlock and resentment that polarization produces goes unaddressed. Ironic, right? Commentators rarely say what they mean by polarization. But


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