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Author's Posts

  • Politicians Don’t Seem to Laugh at Themselves as Much Anymore

    Politicians Don’t Seem to Laugh at Themselves as Much Anymore0

    As the 2020 presidential campaign gets underway, one of the key factors that shapes our perceptions is how the candidates use – or do not use – humor. One kind of humor that is in shorter supply among politicians than it once was is self-deprecating humor. That’s when politicians make themselves the butt of the

  • The Perils of a Life in Isolation

    The Perils of a Life in Isolation0

    Humans are hardwired to interact with others, especially during times of stress. On the other hand, when we go through a trying ordeal alone, a lack of emotional support and comradeship can increase our anxiety and hinder our ability to cope. This message is forcefully driven home in the newly released thriller “Shut In.” Naomi

  • The Psychology Behind Why Clowns Creep Us Out

    The Psychology Behind Why Clowns Creep Us Out0

    For the past several months, creepy clowns have been terrorizing America, with sightings of actual clowns in at least 10 different states. These fiendish clowns have reportedly tried to lure women and children into the woods, chased people with knives and machetes, and yelled at people from cars. They’ve been spotted hanging out in cemeteries

  • Why you shouldn’t want to always be happy

    Why you shouldn’t want to always be happy0

    In the 1990s, a psychologist named Martin Seligman led the positive psychology movement, which placed the study of human happiness squarely at the center of psychology research and theory. It continued a trend that began in the 1960s with humanistic and existential psychology, which emphasized the importance of reaching one’s innate potential and creating meaning


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