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Author's Posts

  • The Pro-Art Case for Defunding the National Endowment for the Arts

    The Pro-Art Case for Defunding the National Endowment for the Arts0

    President Trump has released his budget blueprint. From a big picture perspective, the size of government won’t change. He’s kicking the can down the road on entitlements, which is obviously disappointing for people who can add and subtract. He does cut some domestic programs, but taxpayers won’t reap the benefits since those savings will be

  • The Absurdity of Political Correctness Has Reached New Heights

    The Absurdity of Political Correctness Has Reached New Heights0

    A few years ago, I put together an amusing collection of stories comparing truly bizarre examples of political correctness and bureaucratic idiocy in the United States and United Kingdom. I was especially impressed (in a you-must-be-joking fashion) that a British job placement office got in trouble for discrimination because they sought “reliable” and “hard-working” applicants.

  • Decentralization: The Secret of Swiss Success

    Decentralization: The Secret of Swiss Success0

    Programs about the improbable success of Chile and Estonia already have aired on nationwide TV, and those were joined last weekend by a show about the “sensible nation” of Switzerland. Here’s the 28-minute program. When I first watched the program, I was slightly irked that there was very little discussion of the role of fiscal policy and the importance