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  • Aletheia Hitz
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    Aletheia Hitz

    Aletheia Hitz is a student, writer, and invested lover of philosophy. She enjoys exploring significant ideas, and she’s passionate about helping others think well.

Author's Posts

  • Stylish Sins: Transgenderism and the Contemporary Church

    Stylish Sins: Transgenderism and the Contemporary Church8

    “The church’s response to those who identify as transgender,” Andrew T. Walker writes, “must be, immediately and with integrity, ‘You are welcome here. You are loved here.’” This position reflects the broad inclinations of contemporary evangelicals, who generally seek to intentionally love and welcome those in the transgender movement. Though scripturally grounded churches may disagree with much

  • Understanding Consciousness: A Case for Good Fiction

    Understanding Consciousness: A Case for Good Fiction1

    Books have, without a doubt, done great things for humanity. In them, we have recorded some of the weightiest thoughts ever to enter the human mind. By them, we have sustained deep and substantive theological, philosophical, and moral discussions. And with them, we have influenced minds, arguments, and even culture itself. These are all good

  • Grice’s Maxims: Rules for Effective Conversation

    Grice’s Maxims: Rules for Effective Conversation1

    For most of us, conversation is an intuitive, passive practice. We’re used to the contours of natural speech and writing, and we often make contributions to everyday interactions almost without thinking. Our habits of communication can come as natural as breathing. But when communication breaks down, there’s always the question of where things went wrong.

  • What 3 Years Working Retail Taught Me

    What 3 Years Working Retail Taught Me2

    On a whiteboard in a communal space at my university, a student wrote this question: “If you could make one law, what would it be?” The answers, written by students from a variety of different majors, were sometimes funny. “Everyone gets free ice cream on Fridays,” one person wrote. Others were more serious and ideologically


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